Rainbow Bible Ranch

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This past Sunday, I was guest speaker at a congregation in Sturgis. My Topic…”The Call”. I challenged the audience to the “passion of the call”. We have enjoyed visiting different churches before camp starts. It is one of the blessings that comes along with being in this ministry.


About a month ago, we went to Oregon as a family to pick up Molly and just enjoy a little vacation. That is the first time that we really have done anything like that. We were able to see the ocean. I was impressed by the waves, coming and going, coming and going. It seemed so similar to humanity. People come and go…they come and go. We truly enjoyed our trip to and from and saw so much country. We had arrived home early of May 3rd and that evening we received a call from Robin’s sister that their sweet daughter, our niece had been killed in a traffic accident. The realization of life and death…fortunately she knows the Lord and is in His presence as I write this. But we are reminded of the pain of life at times. Sure prepares us for camp and the urgency of the message and the passion of the call.

Speaking of camp. We are lining out to be another record breaking year. Registrations have run ahead of last year all spring. We have kids signed up from 22 states. We have a good staff put together. We may need some more help down the road. Please keep that situation in mind.

We had a good winter season to build and so our two sheds are nearly completed. We were able to plant over 300 trees again this spring as well. A special need that we covet your prayers on is the need of rain. We are dry. We even went to a fire today. It is developing into a serious situation. We have not filled the Ol’ Swimming Hole yet as we are trying to conserve water from the big dam up the road. All our ponds are quite low.

I will not have much time to write for some time as our kids start coming to camp this next week. I am so grateful to you for your prayers and support and I know our family and staff are thankful as well. Our large numbers will push on the financial needs somewhat as we still continue to charge a little over half of the actual costs. Please pray with us on these needs.

Stay encouraged in these seemingly disheartening times. God is still on the throne and I have read the end of the Book… I know who wins. Thanks Be To God…