Rainbow Bible Ranch

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The pre-dawn sky is fantastic this morning. The crescent moon above the eastern horizon, Mars, Venus along with the constellations such as Ursa Major and Orion, are all so vivid in the crisp night air. I was reminded of the creation account in the Old Testament book of Genesis. God made the greater light for the day and the lesser lights for the darkness.
      What a sermon! Everywhere I looked in the heavens above, I saw countless “lesser lights”. Planets, the moon, hundreds to thousands of stars that my eyes could pick out. All set in the background of darkness. As I walked cautiously the path from our house to the office at Rainbow, I was taken by the darkness, but I could not help but praise God aloud for the lights above. God continued to speak to my heart. Our society seems quite dark to many of us during this present time. However, even though the lights above were million of miles away, they were impossible for me to count and they were impossible to ignore. I am reminded of Elijah the prophet when he was in the wilderness and felt so very alone. God reminded him that he was not the only one left representing righteousness.
            Let us who are followers of God continue to shine so brightly! Though seemingly small, we cannot be ignored due to stark contrast of light in the darkness. May we also be comforted and confident that the sunrise is just hours away.
            These past months have presented unique challenges and have encouraged seeking unique opportunities. Your prayers and support are huge in the ministry of RBR. Some may consider your roll as behind the scenes. However, let me assure you prayer and encouragement are pieces in the frontline of the endeavor. Please continue being actively involved in this fashion. I will let you in on a prayer request that I have been praying since the beginning of the year. I have shared it with my family and some of our Legacy Study group. I have been praying for a gift or several to equal $500,000.00. That may sound crazy to some, but I believe we must proceed in outreach and doing it well.
            As I close this letter, I just received a message from a dear friend that he is in the hospital with Covid. Let us hold fast to the assurance that God cares. “And let us not be weary in well doing for in due season… we shall reap if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9).