Rainbow Bible Ranch

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Denny Allison's, Early Board Member of RBR, Wife Betty Passed Away

Our hearts ache for Betty Allison’s family at her passing, however we are rejoicing at the reality that our longtime friend is now in the presence of her Savior. Thankful for a life well lived.

An article I wrote in March 2021

During the summer of 1979, shortly after the death of my two brothers, my dad, Tige Reinhold made a visit to Jenner Equipment in Rapid City. Dad was talking to Elmer Jenner about obtaining the use of a skidsteer loader so that we could begin working on the process of building the lodge for Rainbow Bible Ranch. Mr. Jenner was more than generous in assisting the forward progress of RBR. On one of Dad's visits, he met a rancher from Rockerville, a small town in the Black Hills. Dad told Denny Allison of the dream of RBR and together they not only shared of the joy in they had in Jesus, but Denny became very excited about having part in those formative years. The Allisons even went as far as beginning the process of cutting poles on their ranch, and then proceeded to have them treated for use for the new arena. I must say that Denny left a mark on me as he nearly became family and after my brother's death, that meant alot to me. Denny and Betty Allison were so much a part of the early ministry of RBR.
Today these special people stopped in for a visit. They now make their home near Lewistown, MT, where I attended college. They continue to love and serve Jesus. We thoroughly enjoyed our fellowship. As we were getting ready for them to leave and after a couple of hugs and goodbyes... I must admit that a tear nearly escaped down my cheek. Denny told me just before he left, "I am 85 years old and if the Lord gives me more years, I will take them. But if He calls me home... I will be with Jesus. Can't outdo that."
I just know that we have been blessed by the Allison Family. Thanks for stopping in dear friends.