"East of Sturgis" or "West of Pierre" Big Country And This field of sunflowers is huge....and take note... One of the flowers is facing the camera,


And This field of sunflowers is huge....and take note... One of the flowers is facing the camera,


Planted nearly to the edge of Hwy 34, it was quite easy for these two little blonde girls to visualize "senior portrait possibilities, Larry and Robin Reinhold and family headed East River to take in the State Fair and give an update on the summer to our friends at Prairie Bible Church of Carpenter, South Dakota.

Such an amazing part of the agricultural scene of eastern South Dakota. Yes, we commonly just say East River. God is using some amazing people in this productive area of "Bread Basket of America" to do more than its share to feed a growing population around the world.

My mother would tell many times of her childhood days in East River, Dakota in the small town of Avon. As a child of the depression and WWII, her friends were the men of the railroads. To her last days...she loved trains and now I do too. And so the fascination has passed on to her grandchildren as well. We could not refuse the opportunity to get up close by walking down the country road. The engineer appreciated it as he gave a number of extra long blows on the "whistle". We all, were happier

True, there is so much to see and do at the State Fair...but it really difficult to not get caught up in the "green". The question remains... "Is it the Irish Blood or the farm kid blood...?"


I believe there are more hogs at the South Dakota State Fair than in all of Meade County. Danny has already checked into the statistics. One thing we are quite certain of... There are more camels there as well. What a great time.

Miles and Merritt Mendel showed us all around the farms on Sunday afternoon.


We are looking at a cover crop that they sowed in on the wheat stubble after harvest. It consists of radishes, turnips, flax and sorghum. The crops looked amazing. Later we went over to Todd and Melanie Ellis Hofer's and enjoyed the crop and livestock tour as well.

No I do not play Dutch Blitz with a group of cut-thoats as these. I want to keep my hands. :)

The farmyards are so neat as seen here on the Mendel Farms. Operating as such since 1942. I like what the sign near the shop entrance door stated.... "The soil sticks to our boots and runs through our blood". Harvest is right around the corner for many of these folks. We wish them well and Godspeed.

As we left the Mendel Farms on Monday morning I snapped this shot looking east. Certainly no mountains in the background and or vast expanses of plaines...But truly a remarkable land and remarkable people. These people of agriculture expend a tremendous amount of energy, physical and mental to be true stewards of God's creation.

To a family that is tired. from West River, Dakota and is homeward bound... Crossing the Missouri River at Ft. Pierre and chasing the sun toward home. It is so easy to count your blessings.