My Dad has a response that has been quite predictable in his later years. Truthfully, Robin and I, along with his grandkids, have begun to exchange glances before we tell Dad some news or when we show him something of significance. Sometimes we even mouth it silently to one another and then wait to hear him say, "Oh, my goodness!" Needless to say, since we last sent out a Rainbow Reflector, we have heard Dad say, "Oh, my goodness" countless times. In the last year and a half, it seems that we have experienced a lifetime of struggle and perseverance, disappointment and victory, huge deficits and overwhelming abundance along with challenge and reward. Since we last published a Rainbow Reflector, we have experienced drought, death and dire need. We have felt the anguish of unbelievable loss due to Storm Atlas. We have seen the breath of youth snuffed out in a single moment as a future staff member and close friend was killed in an auto accident. We had to deal with the struggles of aging, as insuring the total wellbeing of a dear family member, my Dad, was addressed. We have been overwhelmed at how God will meet our needs and how He uses His people to accomplish His purpose. I have only touched briefly on the circumstances of the last year or two and often we find ourselves just expressing the wonder of it all in the simple statement of , "Wow, Thank You Lord". Robin and I have a little fun in having our son, Caleb, comb his hair just right and then tilt his big hat as the famous Cowboy humorist and philosopher, Will Rogers, would do. And as Caleb flashes that wry smile and slight glance, Robin will take a photograph of this youthful impersonator. We will then post a quip from Will Rogers, or even one of Caleb’s originals to a picture, and then be amazed at the similarities. One of Will Rogers’ (not to be confused with Roy Rogers ... you know, the guy with the horse named Trigger) statements was, "Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there". As my dad would say, "Oh, my goodness, that is sure the truth". These past months did not allow for us to sit idly and twiddle our thumbs. However, it did call for us to "wait upon the Lord". Trust is that way. It calls for a confident dependence on the move; not always knowing the future and the outcome, but hey, "the train is moving ... get on or get out of the way." We experienced the reality of another saying that we quip to kids all summer long. We can educate an amateur rider on the basics of good horsemanship, but then there comes the moment when they must get on the horse and "Don’t say whoa ... .say go." We have seen miracles happen. There is no way that we could find nearly the entire herd of horses that we have put together over the years buried in the snow in October and be operating camp the following June with some of the highest attendance ever at RBR. The devastation was even more far reaching and we have witnessed the restoration as phenomenal. God did not quit us and we have chosen not to quit God. The invite for all reading this is that you get on board! God is doing much through His ministry at Rainbow Bible Ranch. You can be a part of these exciting times. Check out the camp schedule. Wow, To God be the Glory! Check out the horse herd. We did not set out to replace but rather rebuild, and God has provided. Wow, To God Be the Glory! When it looked as if we would be short some key staff members ... Oh my goodness! God has provided willing young people to step up, realizing that only what is done for Christ will last. Instead of just surviving, we are thriving, and that is our prayer to God the Almighty. We want to thrive for His Glory. We have experienced the "wow factor" of simply trusting God, our Provider. And you know, Will Rogers was correct. We have chosen, along with our many partners in support and prayer around the world, to not just be passive, but rather to be active for the kingdom every day of the year. And as my Dad would say,,,Oh my goodness. This has been amazing!